Local author Ken Wilson has written a guide for safe caravan towing in Australia. According to the book’s introduction, Safe Caravan Towing: The Manual is a comprehensive guide for towing large caravans, trailers, and horse floats in Australia.
The manual was written to educate drivers by providing safe and legal towing information gathered from Ken Wilson’s many years of research and experience.
Ken Wilson is an avid caravanner who also developed the Truck Friendly: Caravan Road Safety Program to educate drivers on interacting with heavy vehicles and safe caravanning.
Safe Caravan Towing: The Manual can be purchased from the Truck Friendly website for a cost of $49.99 for a hardcopy and $27.50 for e-books. Copies are available from Dymocks in Bundaberg. Web site is https://www.truckfriendly.com.au
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